M'kay Lincoln Ladies,

Here's our bookclub blog :) If we don't like it, we can always change it. But I just wanted to set it up so we know what book we are doing for that month.
Thanks so much Jess for doing such a great job with February. I keep thinking to myself
"lighten up", and "be ashley" haha. Seriously, it was a good book for me to read :) Oh, and I'm on my way to making my own "12 commandments" that I will put up in my room to look at.

(first picture!) ps. sorry to the girls that had already left to go feed hungry babies!
Next time we'll take it sooner, promise :)
And for March madness, Jana banana has picked
"Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close", by
Jonathan Safran Foer
I'm super excited to read it!